Future Planning in Dementia

Future Planning in Dementia
This Future Planning in Dementia course is suitable for people living with dementia, their families and carers. Delivered in a sensitive, yet open and honest way, this course empowers meaningful conversation, essential and interactive discussions, legal matters and ethical considerations.
Course Length. 1 day
Many people living with dementia – and their families – find it difficult to have open and honest conversations about the condition and how it may affect their futures. There are a number of difficult discussions that may need to be held between the individual, their families and professionals providing care and support. This one-day course aims to assist in breaking down these barriers to ensure the right support is provided at the right time.
Course Contents
Planning for the future: Post-diagnostic support for individuals with dementia and their families
Understanding individual preferences and future planning styles, including key advance care planning tools
Key areas of post-diagnostic planning, including practical tips for starting conversations
Accessing information and support resources, including the legal overview
Making and documenting plans together
Action planning and next steps
Course Outcomes
Successful completion of this training course will result in the award of a CPD accredited certificate covering all aspects of the above course contents.
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