TIMVA (Trauma Informed MVA)

TIMVA (Trauma Informed MVA)

TIMVA (Trauma Informed Management of Violence and Aggression)

Two-day, flagship accredited course undergoing the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) and the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) accreditation.  Course contents developed in conjunction with Trauma Informed Services and Nurturing Steps Care and Consultancy with input from a Doctor of Clinical Psychology.

Course Length. 3 days


Training health care and social care staff in Positive Behavioural Support is now a Mandatory requirement and it may be necessary – depending on the service – to teach staff elements of physical safety interventions. Our well-established TIMVA programme is a cost-effective method of providing this training for staff and is currently undergoing BILD / RRN accreditation.

Each training programme is tailored to the needs and risks determined by the service (as stipulated by BILD / RRN) through a Training Needs Analysis and has four variants, each with unique content specific for the provision:

– Children and Young People’s Services
– Mental Health Support Services
– Learning Disabilities Support Services
– Dementia Support Services

Course Contents

Defining aggression and violence
Understanding trauma
Where and how anger originates
Neuro-linguistic programming
Causes of violence and aggression in care settings
The top ten agitators
Building rapport
The needs of individuals
Understanding perceived and real threats
Anger development stages
Anxiety and responses to anxiety
Biological changes in anger situations
How staff may contribute to conflict / organisational culture
Behaviour mapping and conflict
Models of Positive Behavioural Support (PBS)
De-escalation, distraction and models of communication (verbal, paraverbal and body language)
Types of aggression
Legislation, including the Criminal Law Act, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and DoLS
Avoiding strikes
Safe breakaway (wrist/arm, clothing, hair, neck, grab from behind, nips/pinches, bites)
Safe hold techniques (seated and standing)

Course Outcomes

The learned content of this course is certificated by the CPD Certification Service and adds 14 hours of learning to the candidates’ portfolio. This course is currently undergoing accreditation by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) and the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN).

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