Safeguarding (Level 2, 3 and DSL) Adults and Children

Safeguarding (Level 2, 3 and DSL) Adults and Children
Safeguarding adults and children is mandatory training for all staff in care and support services. Our training has been levelled at 2, 3 or DSL as appropriate to the service and includes real, practical examples to ensure an immersive and interactive training session. Please speak to us to personalise the training to the required level and service.
Course Length. 3.5 hours (Levels 2 and 3) or 1 day (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Course Contents
Defining abuse
Signs and symptoms
Underlying factors
What to do
Company policies and procedures
Information sharing
Physical abuse
Domestic violence or abuse
Sexual, psychological and emotional abuse
Financial or material abuse
Modern slavery, mate crime and discriminatory abuse
Organisational and institutional abuse
Neglect, acts of omission and self-neglect
Course Outcomes
Successful completion of this training course will result in the award of a CPD accredited certificate covering all aspects of the above course contents.
Enquire now
If you can’t find the answer above to any questions you may have, use the form below or call 01492 551409 to enquire.

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